Is it time for webcam instruction ?


Tóm tắt

Based upon recent news
reports  the  majority
of  higher  education
administrators  in  Vietnam  are
sincerely  interested  in  improving
all aspects of university education.
The  Ministry  of  Education  and
Training  (MoET),  rectors  and
presidents  of  universities  and
colleges as well as faculty of all rank
have  identified  many  challenges
facing  higher  education  now  and
in  the  future.  And  in  response
they  have  collectively  established
many  ambitious  goals.  In  the
document  "Continuing  Education
in  Vietnam"  prepared  by  MoET
in 2006 it is stated that "Distancelearning  programs  (should)  be
promoted and strengthened through
the  improvement  of  equipment
and  resources.  The  development
and  renovation  of  curriculum  and
teaching,  learning  materials  are
of  great  importance."  Developing
distance  learning  systems  is  a
laudable  goal  but  if  only  a  few
universities  in  the  county  explore
its  instructional  potential  waiting
in  line  for  the  transference  of
lessons  learned  could  limit  longterm  participation.  In  response  to
MoET's  statement,  perhaps  it  is
time for universities and colleges in
Vietnam to experiment with simple
applications of distance learning as
a  means  of  improving  classroom
instruction. Instructional innovation
within university classrooms could
become a common occurrence once
distance learning is introduced into
the educational process
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International Integration (Hội nhập quốc tế)