Knowledge, attitudes and ways to prevent vomiting in newborns of new mothersat Agricultural general Hospital

  • Lương Thị Liên, Trương Quang Trung, Bùi Thị Hoa Agricultural general Hospital
Keywords: Knowledge, attitudes, newborn with vomiting


Objective:Describing knowledge and attitudes of mothers about preventing vomiting and regurgitation in newborns at Agriculture General Hospital. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 252 mothers with newborns after 2-5 days at the obstetrics department of Agriculture Hospital during the period from August 2022 to August 2023. Results: Mothers with good knowledge account for 36.5%, average knowledge 40.9%, poor knowledge 22.6%. Mothers with positive attitudes account for 79.4%, and 20.6% have unpositive attitudes. Conclusion : It is necessary to continue health education for mothers with average and poor knowledge to improve knowledge and attitudes about preventing vomiting in infants.

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