Factors influencing the willingness-to-pay of internet users in Vietnam for the fee-based online contents
Tóm tắt
The aim of this study is to identify key factors that influence the willingness-to-pay (WTP) of Internet users in Vietnam for fee-based online contents. The study collects 309 suitable questionnaires filled by internet users over 18 years old and living in Vietnam, who frequently use online contents and have ideally made payment for online contents. The analysis results indicate that the willingness-to-pay for the fee-based online contents of Vietnamese users are influenced by their attitudes toward paying and ethical self-efficacy for online piracy. The study also identifies the antecedents of attitude, which include the perceived benefits of usefulness and enjoyment, the perceived sacrifice of the fee, social influences from other people, and especially the free mentality. The study then suggests managerial implications to online content providers in enhancing WTP for the fee-based online contents in Vietnam.