Xây dựng hệ thống cỡ số kích thước cơ thể người nam Miền Nam Việt Nam từ 18 đến 25 tuổi

  • Nguyễn Thị Mộng Hiền
  • Võ Tường Quân
  • Bùi Mai Hương
  • Trịnh Thị Kim Huệ
  • Nguyễn Minh Dương
Từ khóa: vóc dáng, hệ thống cỡ số, kích thước cơ thể

Tóm tắt

This paper presents the results of classifying Vietnam men’s somatotype and establish of the size system of man body measurement in Vietnam’s Southern. The study was conducted on 542 Vietnam men’s in the ages from 18 to 25 years old. The study has two results, the first one divides the four 4 body types were divided as the results of main component analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and ANOVA test on SPSS. These results will make premise to support contents of the research somatotype characteristics to effect on the basic block pattern design and simulate by 3D- V. Stitcher. The second result is a 24-size body size system with five different shapes. The method of the classification and design of the size system is scientific and applied to make patterns. Beside that, it supports the research on characteristic effect to design patternmaking for men clothing.

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