Frequency distribution of dental caries disease among the local community of Harichand

  •  Haroon Haroon
  • Tauseef Ahmad  
  • Muhammad Khan
  •  Inamullah Inamullah
  • Arif Jan
  • Hui Jin

Tóm tắt

A cross-sectional study was designed to determine the dental caries disease and associated risk factors among the study subjects in Harichand, Pakistan. A total of 150 patients were investigated, of which male to female percentage was (77%) and (23%) respectively. The maximum tooth decay (33%) was found in the age (years) of 21-30. The results showed that decayed and missing teeth (DMT) were (57%), followed by decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) (27%) and filled teeth (FT) (16%). Most of the patients were suffering from score 6, (30%). The DMT and score 6 was recorded high among the study subjects in Harichand. This study will update the epidemiology of dental caries diseases, increase awareness, and provide the base line information for future research and intervention. Further studies are recommended on large scale.

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