Lựa chọn mô hình toán thích hợp để tính toán dòng chảy bùn cát đến hồ và bồi lắng hồ chứa

  • Nguyen Thu Hien
  • Le Thi Thu Hien
Từ khóa: Mô hình toán, dòng chảy bùn cát, bồi lắng, hồ chứa

Tóm tắt

    Nowaday, mathematical (or numerical) models are very useful tools to predict sediment flow to reservoir and reservoir sedimentation. The predition sedimentation flow to reservoirs and reservoir sedimentation are very important for reservoir design and sustainable reservoir management. This paper will review the existing popular mathematical models available to predict sediment flow to a reservoir. The study shows that existing models can successfully simulate reservoir sedimentation, however, each model has limitations and depending on the problem scope and complexity and data availability they require good understanding and judgment to choose an appropriate model.

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