Nitrogen doped titanium dioxide films mechanism prepared by reactive DC magnetron

  • Vũ Thị Hạnh Thu
  • Đinh Công Trường
  • Nguyễn Hữu Chí
  • Lê Văn Hiếu
  • Huỳnh Thành Đạt
  • Phạm Kim Ngọc
  • Lê Đình Minh Trí


Studying about TiO2-xNx thin films fabricated by unbalanced DC reactive magnetron sputtring  has showed that photocatalytic effects can be appeared under visible light. The characteristic films were tested by X-ray diffraction, UV-vis spectroscopy.  Nitrogen concentration thin films were examinated by EDX methods. The photocatalytic properties of thin films were represented by Methylene Blue MB degradation (C16H18ClN3S.3H2O = 373,5). The results showed that the band gap increase when N2 conentration increase because of bonding with obital 2p in  TiO2-xNx thin films.The studies also present a new mechanism on the Nitrogen doped in the anatase TiO2 to fabricate TiO2-xNx thin films, that is perfectly different from the doped mechanism before [1,8]. Moreover, the best thin films were fabricated with such parameters: sputtering pressure 13mtorr, power 240W, film thickness from 600nm to 700nm and gas ratio N2/O2 = 4 -5,5.

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