Applicationisotope hydrology method research aboutoriginal groundwater of Nam Bo plain

  • Lâm Hoàng Quốc Việt
  • Nguyễn Việt Kỳ


There are two main points of view about underground water in Nam Bo Plain. These are: fossil water and groundwater formed from water meteorology. The research results about underground water using isotope hydrology techniques based on the isotope oxygen-18, Deterium and some natural radioisotopes conducted by Center for Nuclear techniques show that underground water in the aquifer ofNam Bo Plainis formed from meteorological water in different periods. They also reveal the recharge sources of some shallow aquifers. Therefore, Isotope hydrology technique is a good method for studying about recharging of the deep aquifers at Nam Bo Plain as well as to learn the environmental temperature change in the past for research climate change now.

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