Giấu tin thuận nghịch sử dụng phương pháp chia sẻ bí mật DNA-XNOR

  • Huy Cuong Do Faculty of Information Technology, Le Quy Don Technical University
  • Thai Hung Pham IT Center, Le Quy Don Technical University
  • Minh Thanh Ta Faculty of Information Technology, Le Quy Don Technical University

Tóm tắt

In this paper, we propose a reversible hiding solution based on secret sharing method using DNA exclusive-NOR (DNA-XNOR) for color images. The DNA-XNOR secret sharing method is used as a secret key matrix to hide and to extract information. We use the mean square error (MSE) to select the optimal embedding value for each pixel. These values will be used to embed the secret information into the image from which we can obtain the highest PSNR value of the embedded images. In our solution, the secret information will be embedded on all three color channels Red (R), Green (G), and Blue (B) of the original image. The proposed algorithm DNA-XNOR is a new method for sharing confidential information in the field of information hiding. Our experimental results show the efficiency of the algorithm and demonstrate its applicability in practice.

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