Factors affecting customer experience in using digital banking, study in Vietnam

  • Pham, Thu Thuy
  • Pham, Van Khanh

Tóm tắt

Most of the firms now agree that creating strong customer experience is
becoming the most prioritized activity to attract and endure customers
(Lemon, 2016). In previous research, the notion of customer experience is
commonly mixed with customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, service qual
ity and other related concepts. The study focusses on the root character
istics that distinguish customer experience from other related concepts,
which is the customer journey with pre-purchase, purchase, and post
purchase stages. Applied in digital banking services with a survey of 215
retail customers in Vietnam, using structure equation modeling, the find
ings show that all brand experience, registration experience, “ease of use”
experience, “perceived value” experience, security experience significantly
and positively impact customer experience. The finding is also potentially
robust for other emerging markets with fierce competition and rapid digital
transformation in the banking sector.


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