Vietnam Social Sciences 2024-01-02T11:56:06+07:00 Kiều Quỳnh Anh Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Tạp chí của Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học xã hội Việt Nam</strong></p> Wen Fang MaoGender and Migration: Theoretical Approaches and Practical Issues 2024-01-02T11:55:20+07:00 Đặng Nguyên Anh <p>Conventional migration theories have, so far, largely ignored a gender perspective or treated gender as a variable in the analysis of migration, despite the growing number of female migrants worldwide. This paper addresses the neglected relationship between gender and migration in migration theories and policies. It examines the gender dimension in migration decision-making with reference to Vietnam’s situation. The analysis reveals that integrating the gender perspective into theories on migration will help better understand the complex nature of migration. It is important to take into account gender as part and parcel of a broader migratory process. In Vietnam, women empower themselves through labor force participation and gender equity ideology. Their representation among international labor migrants is significantly increasing. The migration of Vietnamese women, both internally and internationally, is increasingly influenced by gender-segregated labor markets, a trend accentuated by the country’s rapid process of renovation and international integration. As the gender-based approach is not captured in current migration policies and programs, effective measures must be designed to reduce the vulnerabilities of female migrants. In this regard, gender-disaggregated data and more research on gender and migration are extremely needed to reflect the current situation and forecast potential gender impacts at various levels.</p> 2024-01-02T11:41:40+07:00 Bản quyền (c) Green Growth in Agriculture in Vietnam: Awareness and Strategy for Development 2024-01-02T11:55:27+07:00 Trần Thị Tuyết <p>Green growth in agriculture plays a crucial role in the ongoing economic restructuring towards sustainability, given its specific approach to resource utilization to fulfill developmental needs. Vietnam has implemented various solutions to foster green growth in agriculture, yielding tangible results. However, a number of issues need to be resolved, namely the awareness of converting green growth models in agriculture among managers and producers, the collection and treatment of waste, the fear of applying microbial organic fertilizers widely, the legal system on green growth in agriculture, the ineffective implementation of the policy of land consolidation, land exchange, and forming consolidated large-scale fields. This study aims to elucidate key aspects related to awareness, strategy, and the capacity to actualize green growth initiatives in agriculture, drawing insights from both domestic and foreign organizational documents. Consequently, there is a need to enhance awareness and strategy, supplemented by refining institutions and policies, and a focus on investing in resource development to meet the demands of green growth in Vietnamese agriculture.</p> 2024-01-02T11:43:26+07:00 Bản quyền (c) Circular Economy Models in Agriculture in Vietnam 2024-01-02T11:55:32+07:00 Triệu Thanh Quang <p>While the term “circular economy” is relatively new in Vietnam, the principles of this economic model have long been embedded in traditional agricultural practices. Recently, these economic models have experienced significant growth. This research involves a comprehensive review of circular agriculture research and an analysis of various models within Vietnam at different levels. The study categorizes circular economy models in the agricultural sector in Vietnam into four basic groups: reduction model, waste recycling model, ecological chain model, and zero waste design model. Through an exploration of these models, the study identifies eight main features of circular economy models in Vietnam’s agriculture, such as a substantial surge, utilization of agricultural by-products, waste, and leftovers, prevalence in rural areas, focus on small-scale production models, leadership by big companies, and a shift from merely seeking cost savings to a more market-oriented approach. The study also proposes principles for transitioning to an agricultural circular economy from a linear economy and developing new agricultural circular economy practices in Vietnam.</p> 2024-01-02T11:44:52+07:00 Bản quyền (c) Usage of Hedges in Thesis of Students Majoring in English 2024-01-02T11:55:37+07:00 Nguyễn Thị Huyền Trang Trần Ngọc Đức <p>The present study focuses on the use of hedges in research articles written by students from the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education (FELTE) at Hanoi University of Languages and International Studies. The study examines thirty randomly selected thesis papers published between 2020 and 2022. The main objectives of the study are to analyze the taxonomy of hedge devices used by the students and identify the functions of these hedges in their papers. The analysis of the thesis papers reveals that students exhibit a preference for three types of hedging devices. Furthermore, the study finds that hedges are predominantly used in the conclusion and discussion sections of the sampled papers. The functions of the hedges used by the students primarily serve three purposes: expressing the writers' opinions with appropriate caution, reducing the likelihood of being criticized, and fostering a positive relationship between the writers and the readers. The research aims to shed light on raising students’ awareness of the usefulness of hedging devices in academic writing and improving their motivation to use hedges effectively. Some pedagogical implications of the study are discussed. Hopefully, other teachers will find this interesting and helpful for their own situations.</p> 2024-01-02T11:47:17+07:00 Bản quyền (c) A Comparison of extended noun phrase in German and Vietnamese language 2024-01-02T11:55:43+07:00 Nguyễn Thị Kim Liên <p>In German language, especially in written texts, noun phrases are commonly used with structures that can be expanded by attributes. Therefore, it is very important to understand the structure of noun phrases and how to put them in different positions. To have knowledge and language competence to be able to comprehend the semantic content of these structures, it is necessary to know the word for quantity has similarities in the two languages; nominal phrases in German always belong to one of four cases: Nominativphase, Genitivphrase, Dativphrase, Akkusativphrase. German noun phrases have internal structure represent the grammatical morphology of the noun phrases, its grammatical forms also affect the content of the extended noun phrase. The study focuses on analyzing specifically the structure of extended noun phrases in German compared with Vietnamese in order to find similarities and differences between the two languages, helping Vietnamese learners of German language have more knowledge of two languages, understand and use German more effectively.</p> 2024-01-02T11:49:07+07:00 Bản quyền (c) Testing the Performance of Vietnamese Expats Learning Vietnamese Language on Digital Platforms 2024-01-02T11:55:47+07:00 Lương Thị Hiền <p>The article presents the construction principles, processes, and methods for building a system of exercises to assess the performance of Vietnamese expat students learning Vietnamese on a digital platform. The principles include ensuring consistency between objectives, methods, and forms of assessment; maintaining a balance among the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing; and focusing on the content of phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar, tailored to each skill level (Bailey, 1998). The language used in assessment tests should be in line with real-life language and local culture, and there should be high interactivity between the digital item bank system and learners. The process of building a system of assessment exercises on a digital platform involves several stages, which include program analysis, assessment framework design, item bank creation, integration of the item bank into the digital platform, and testing, evaluating, and refining the system. The process of creating digital format exercises follows five steps: setting assessment goals, choosing the assignment format and assessment content, determining difficulty levels and score scales, drafting the exercises, and finally, reviewing, editing, testing, and making necessary adjustments to the drafts.</p> 2024-01-02T11:50:53+07:00 Bản quyền (c) Method of Talent Selection in the Lê – Trịnh Regime from the 16th-18th Centuries 2024-01-02T11:55:53+07:00 Hoàng Anh Tuấn Lê Thuỳ Linh <p>During the Lê - Trịnh regime, the talent selection was paid special attention by the State in order to build a stable political system, develop the country’s potential to be able to compete with the Kingdom of Cochinchina of the Nguyễn Lords. The method of talent selection in this period included the following forms of examination: <em>nhiệm tử</em> (descendants of mandarins were ordained), <em>bảo cử</em> (nomination) and <em>tiến cử</em> (recommendation). On the basis of scientific sources, the article focuses on analyzing the forms of selection, pointing out the positive and non-positive aspects of each method. The diversified system of talent selection helped to boost the country for a long time. However, the court implemented a number of rules which negatively affected the selection of talents, notably the payment of money or grain for mandarinate position. The article also assesses an overview of the role and effect of talent selection methods on the state apparatus of the Lê - Trịnh regime.</p> 2024-01-02T11:53:37+07:00 Bản quyền (c) A Rare Colorful Illustrated Album of Vietnam in the 19th Century: Lục Vân Tiên cổ tích truyện雲僊古跡傳" (the Legend of Lu Yunxian) 2024-01-02T11:55:59+07:00 Wen Fang Mao <p>In 1851, Nguyễn Đình Chiểu<em>阮廷炤</em> (1822-1888) wrote the poem <em>Lục Vân Tiên Truyện</em> (The Legend of Lục Vân Tiên-<em>陸雲僊傳</em>), then in 1895, French officer Eugene Gibert asked the court painter Lê Đức Trạch<em>黎德澤</em> to paint it. In 2016, Vietnam and France edited and published the manuscript in photocopies. This rare version named <em>Lục Vân Tiên cổ tích truyện</em> (Lục Vân Tiên Fairy Tale-<em>雲僊古跡傳</em>) is full of picture illustrations. It was an outstanding colorful illustrated autobiographical narrative poem, which Nguyễn Đình Chiểu recounted his life in the first person by a rhyme style. The narrative outline is full of lyrical elements, which can be linked to the earliest source of "poetic autobiography" in China: Qu Yuan's "Li Sao"(<em>屈原的</em><em>”</em><em>離騷</em><em>”</em>). Furthermore, the tone of this narrative poem version is to celebrate traditional, classical and moral values, and to spread the core Confucian beliefs of loyalty, filial piety, and human nature. This autobiographical poem text, with extensive illustrations, full of the vigor and vitality of pre-modern culture, provides a rich discussion on the poetry and art of Vietnam within the 19<sup>th</sup> and 20<sup>th</sup> centuries, and are the integration of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, material civilization, and aesthetic insights.</p> 2024-01-02T11:55:08+07:00 Bản quyền (c)