Assessing Genetic Diversity Tomato and Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) Resistance Gene of Tomato Varieties by DNA Marker

  • Đoàn Xuân Cảnh
  • Tống Văn Hải
  • Nguyễn Hồng Minh
  • Đoàn Thị Thanh Thúy


      Tomato is a popularly important vegetable in the world and Vietnam. Assessing genetic diversity and detcetion of genes for disease resistance of the existing germplasm of tomato are usefull for development of new varieties with high yield, good quality and disease resistance. In this study, 10 SSR markers and four markers related to TYLCV resistance genes (Ty1, Ty2 and Ty3) were used to analyse genetic diversity and identify the TYLCV genes, respectively, of 26 of tomatoes accessions available at food crops research institute. The results showed, that only 5 marker showed polymorphism. 26 accessions were grouped into 5 clusters with similarity coefficients threshold of 0.7 by using NTSYSpc 2.1 software. The information found in this study is very important for new tomato hybrid breeding programs. Only four of 26 accessions carried Ty1 and the genes Ty2 and Ty3 were not detected


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