Development of Aromatic Thermo-sensitive Genic Male Sterile (TGMS) Lines

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      The aromatic thermo-sensitive genic sterile lines were selected from segregating populations of crosses between T1S-96 and T7S used as female and pollinators BT7, Basmati 370, Hoa sua and Huongcom using pedigree method of selection. These lines were of sterile type without pollen. All of 23 TGMS lines were genotyped with tms5 while AT19 line had both tms2 and tms5 gene, 22 TGMS lines were genotyped with fgrfgr gene. Five lines (AT1, AT5, AT9, AT24 and AT27) had short growth duration and desirable phenotype. These lines showed good tillering capacity, violet stem andawn, and long grain. The leaves and endosperm of these lines possessed aromatic smell. The critical sterility inducing point (CSIP) of these line are 24oC with high outcrossing rate.

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