Reproductive Performance and Selection Orientation for Duroc, Landrace and Yorkshire Sows at Nuclear Breeding Pigs Company Dabaco

  • Đoàn Phương Thúy
  • Phạm Văn Học
  • Trần Xuân Mạnh
  • Lưu Văn Tráng
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  • Vũ Đình Tôn
  • Đặng Vũ Bình


   The study was conducted to assess reproductive performance, estimate heritability and repeatability and orientate selection for number of piglets born alive and number of weaned piglets of GGP sow herd raised at the nuclear breeding pigs Company Dabaco. The data on pedigree, reproductive performance of the pure breeds Duroc, Landrace and Yorkshire that included 85, 267 and 321 for sows; 208, 649 and 919 litters, respectively, during the period from 2012 to 2015 were collected and statistically analyzed for estimation of heritability, repeatability and breeding value prediction. All three pure-bredsposs high level of reproductive performance (Duroc, Landrace and Yorkshire sows had 9.33, 10.48 and 10.85 for number of piglet born alive, 9.71; 10.35 and 10.31 for number of weaned piglets, respectively). The heritability and repeatability of these traits were low (h2 = 0.04-0.08; r = 0.05 -0.11) and showed a wide range. Applying BLUP method to predict breeding values for the two traits revealed correlation of breeding value between sows and their offspring. Variation in genetic tendency over the years suggested the necessity of selective orientation based on BLUP to improve genetical gain of two traits for GGP sow herd raised at the Company.


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