Water quality degradation and ecotoxicology of cyanobacterial from Ho Xuan Huong lake, Da Lat

  • Đào Thanh Sơn
  • Bùi Bá Trung
  • Võ Thị Mỹ Chi
  • Bùi Thị Như Phượng
  • Đỗ Hồng Lan Chi
  • Nguyễn Thanh Sơn
  • Bùi Lê Thanh Khiết


Water quality from Xuan Huong lake based on physical, chemical and biological parameters was monitored in April (representative for dry season) and July, 2013 (representative for rainy season). Besides, ecotoxicology of the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii isolated from Xuan Huong lake was also investigated via the exposures to the micro-crustacean Daphnia magna. The obtained results showed that water from the lake is eubophic and seriously decreasing its quality. The dominance and bloom of cyanobacteria are bad status for other aquatic organisms in the lake. The cyanobacterium c. raciborskii adversely affected the micro­crustacean including survival decrease of mother D. magna and population inhibition of its olTspring. Monitoring on water quality of the lake especially on cyanobacteria and their toxins should be implemented because of environmental quality, ecosystem balance and community health protection.

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