Seroprevalence of Canine distemper virus in domestic dogs in Ho Chi Minh City

  • Nguyễn Văn Dũng
  • Lê Việt Bảo
  • Lê Đinh Hà Thanh
Keywords: Canine distemper virus, Domestic dogs, seroprevalence


A total of 132 sera from the CDV unvaccinated dogs in Ho Chi Minh City were used for
detecting antibody against CDV. The studied result indicated that seroprevalence of CDV in the
domestic dogs in Ho Chi Minh City was 42.2% (56/132). The result of analysing seroprevalene
of CDV showed that there was no significant difference in seroprevalence of CDV by the dog
breed and age groups. However, seroprevalence of CDV in the female dog group (51.56%) was
higher than that of the male dog group (33.38%). The result of using CDV/dog/HCM/33140816
(Asia-1, a CDV strain isolated in Viet Nam) in serological diagnosis of CDV in dogs indicated that
seroprevelance of Asia -1 CDV strain was higher than seroprevalence of Onderstepoort strain
(America-1 CDV- a live vaccine virus strain). The antigenicity between CCV/dog/HCM/33140816
strain and Onderstepoort strain was compared by PRNT, as a result antigenicty of the Asia-1
genotype was higher than that of the America-1 genotype

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