Association of BRAF V600E immunoexpression with clinicopathological variant groups in papillary thyroid carcinoma

  • Hung Nguyen Van*, Thanh Nguyen Tuan, Minh Tran Ngoc, Tuyen Pham Van, Luan Dao Thi
Từ khóa: BRAF V600E immunoexpression, favourable and aggressive clinicopathological groups, papillary thyroid carcinoma

Tóm tắt

The detection of BRAF V600E immunoexpression in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is extremely important because of its association with poor prognosis. Is poor prognosis really associated with all histological variants of thyroid papillary carcinoma? To contribute to this elucidation...

Tác giả

Hung Nguyen Van*, Thanh Nguyen Tuan, Minh Tran Ngoc, Tuyen Pham Van, Luan Dao Thi

Department of Pathology, Hanoi Medical University; Department of Pathology, Hanoi Medical University Hospital...

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