Use of Advertisements in Language Teaching and Leaning (The Case of Russian Language Classroom)

  • Vũ Thị Chín


Advertising is an important chanel that helps us understand more about a nation, its language, traditions, customs and culture. Advertisements can be used as  a  useful  material  for  teaching  & learning a foreign language because:

-  They are really the combination of linguisti c features and cultural elements; 

-  The language of advertisements is rich in types and various in complexity

- They are informative, introductive and sensational;

-  There  are  different  kinds  of advertising. 

How to select an advertising material for  foreign language  lessons  depends on  the learner's  level, duration,  subject and  purpose  of  teaching  hours.  Text ads  are  suitable  for  use  in  speaking, reading and writing. Ads can be a very useful material for  country  studies as well as extracurricular  activities and hours.

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