Evaluation of predicted procedure - related complications factors of computer tomography - guided lung biopsy

  • Ly Bao Duy, Nguyen Van Viet Thanh, Tran Cong Quyen, Ho Huynh Long, Vu Hoang Minh Tin, Tran Minh Thien
Từ khóa: Computed tomography-guided lung biopsy, procedure-related complications, non-small cell lung cancer, lung cancer

Tóm tắt

   Objective: To evaluate factors predicting the potential occurrence of procedure-related complications in patients undergoing computed tomography-guided lung biopsy.
   Subject and method: retrospective description. 83 patients had undergone computed tomography-guided lung biopsy in The Thoracic and Thyroid Surgery Department, Binh Dan Hospital from 2021 to 2022.
   Result: The gender ratio was 2:1; 100 percent of the lesion was peripheral, and the deepest lesion was 42 mm. The average lesion size was 33.56 ± 17.57 mm. All patients in our study provided enough tissue for histopathology examination, and the re-op and post-op results were consistent with the pathological diagnosis, which was lung cancer in 63.86 percent of cases. The rate of procedure-related complications was 12%; pneumothorax occurred in 2.4% of patients, and the massive parenchymal hemorrhage rate was 9.6%. The following variables: lesion size, lesion depth, and number of punctured fissure - were risk factors for procedure-related complications. In our study, the risk factors for complications were lesion size less than 24,14 mm, lesion depth greater than 7,5 mm, and the number of punctured fissures greater than three.
   Conclusion: The computed tomography-guided lung biopsy was a straightforward procedure with few complications. The potential occurrence of procedure-related complications in patients undergoing computed tomography-guided lung biopsy could be mild and predictable.

DOI: 10.59715/pntjmp.3.2.9

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