Essential oil of the leaves of Cinnamomum subpenninervium Kosterm. ex H. H. Pham and its antimicrobial activity

  • Quang-Huan Duong
  • Xuan-Bach Nguyen
  • Lan-Huong Do Thi
  • Dinh-Luyen Nguyen
  • The-Son Ninh
  • Ngoc-Dai Do
  • Quang-Hop Nguyen
Từ khóa: Cinnamomum subpenninervium, Lauraceae, E-cinnamaldehyde, essential oil, antimicrobial

Tóm tắt

The current study first describes the chemical composition of the leaf essential oil of Cinnamomum subpenninervium Kosterm. ex H.H. Pham collected from Nghe An province, Central Vietnam. By the GC-FID/MS (gas chromatography-flame ionization detection/mass spectrophotometry) analysis, more than thirty compounds were identified, representing 99.92%. The obtained essential oil  from the fresh leaves was dominated by non-terpenic compounds (57.07%), monoterpene hydrocarbons (23.03%) and oxygenated monoterpenes (13.34%), as well as E-cinnamaldehyde (38.56%), linalool (12.20%), benzyl benzoate (11.33%), and α-pinene (8.12%). C. subpenninervium showed strong antimicrobial activity against the fungus Fusarium oxysporum ATCC 46591 with the MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) value of 64 µg/mL.

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