Dynamic symbol for electronic map, network map and the ability to create dynamic symbol on the map with the online answering machine

  • Vinh Tuyet Thi Tran
Từ khóa: Dynamic symbol,Dynamic map,Map GIFs,Wolfram Alpha,Online answer engine.

Tóm tắt

In visualization map, innovation is always needed to make geographic data more accessible to everyone. As well as other sciences, it must be based on solid theory. Currently, some electronic maps and network maps have used dynamic symbols but to summarize this new form of map symbols in Vietnam, there are no specific documents. This article provides some descriptive and applied basis for forming dynamic symbols for electronics maps, network maps. Along with that, the article introduces the Wolfram Alpha online answering engine and the way to communicate with this artificial intelligence engine to create dynamic symbols on the map showing the development of the outbreak Covid -19. Initially, this result opened up the possibility of using a new tool for map makers

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