Estimating the burden of disease attributable to unsafe water and lack of sanitation and hygiene in Vietnam in 2008
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The article aims to estimate the burden of disease attributable to unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene (WSH) by sex and age groups inVietnam in 2008.TheWHO comparative risk assessment methodology was applied in the study.The results showed that 2,785 deaths were attributable to unsafe WSH accounting for 0.51% of total deaths in Vietnam in 2008. Among these deaths caused by diarrhea, 7.5% (N = 209) were children under 5 years old, contributing 1.09% to the total deaths in this age group. Overall, the burden due to unsafe WSH was equivalent to 0.37% of the total disease burden forVietnam (measured by disability-adjusted life years – DALYs) that ranked this risk factor number ten in the country. In conclusion, unsafe WSH is an important risk factor of diseases in Vietnam. High priority needs to be given to the provision of safety and sustainable sanitation and water facilities as well as to promoting safe hygiene behaviors, particularly among children.