Leadership style of the executive committee of the provincial employees' union – research in Vinh Phuc province

DOI: 10.18173/2354-1067.2023-0019

  • Thị Thu Hằng TS Đào
Keywords: leadership styles, public employees' union, executive committee of public Employees' union, provincial union of public employees.


This study investigates the current status of transformational, transactional, and laissezfaire leadership styles in the Executive Committee of the Vinh Phuc Provincial Public Employees' Union. Cluster sampling and questionnaires were used. A total of 194 subjects agreed to participate in a survey by completing a leadership-style questionnaire. The surveyed subjects include some members of the Party Committees of the provincial agencies, members of the Labor Confederation, the Provincial Union of Employees, and 77 affiliated grassroots trade unions. The research results show that the dominant leadership style of the Executive Committee of the Vinh Phuc Provincial Employees' Union is a transformational style, with work motivation, encouragement, and inspiration in order to increase efforts as well. As with the employee's commitment to work, the transactional leadership style is rarely used because the reward mechanism does not become a priority for the Union Executive Committee. The laissezfaire leadership style is almost absent, officials are not completely self-determined, but selfdetermination is based on democratic principles. There is a statistically significant positive correlation between transformational leadership style and transactional leadership style, but the laissez-faire leadership style correlation with other leadership styles is not statistically significant. 

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