Some suggestions on improving institutions and policies in management and protection of water quality for irrigation and drainadge systems in Vietnam



     Being agriculture-based a country, Vietnam posses large irrigation and drainadge systems (IDSs) which belong to one or span across several provinces. Within IDSs there are commonly concentrate residential centres, industrial areas or residential villages/hamlets. This makes the management and protection of water quality of many IDSs challenging and complex tasks. Due to the pressure from population increase, urbanisation and industrialisation of provinces and localities in recent years, the water quality of many IDSs has been rapidly deteriorating, creating environmental problems for local population and socio-economic development of the regions. Among reasons of the problem are shortcomings in institutions and policies concerning water quality management for IDSs which have not been addressed. This paper conducts analysis of current shortcomings and gaps in the institutions and policies concerning the management and protection of the water quality for IDSs in Vietnam, and provides some suggestions to gradually address the issue of water quality deterioration toward better management and protection of water quality for IDSs.

điểm /   đánh giá