The impact of climate change on rainfall intensity-duration-frequency curves and rainfall patterns in Ha Noi

  • Ngô Lê An
  • Phạm Mỹ Linh
  • Nguyễn Thanh Thuỷ


Climate change is a hot issue which affect extreme weather events in general and extreme precipitation
in particular. This paper studies on impact of climate change on precipitation intensity-durationfrequency curves and design precipitation pattern in Hanoi. The Simple scale method is used to estimate
the shorter duration of design storm from the longer ones. The alternating block method is for
developing a design storm. Precipitation in future is simulated by four Regional Climate Models
(RCMs). Bias correction procedure is applied in order to get the reliable results from RCMs. The
results of the study show that, despite of different in outputs of RCMs simulations, precipitation intensity
tends to increase in both Lang and Ha Dong stations with different frequencies and durations. It leads
to increase of peak intensity of design storms.

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