How to choose optimal transportation plan in irrigation and hydro-power construction

  • Nguyễn Trọng Hoan


Transportation plays an important role in irrigation and hydro-power construction; its costs account for large proportion of construction price. It relates to many problems in organize construction site, influences on the construction’s quantity, rate of progress, safety and price. In reality, transportation organization at the construction site have not only drawn high attention yet to make it effective, but also lacks of base to build up ultimate transportation plan. Costs of build transportation streets is not allocated into transportation price appropriately. This article reveals that transportation price includes 2 components (cost of street  making and cost of transportation organization). In addition, it concentrates on application of system analysis theory and optimization of transportation organization in order to create the problem of choosing the effective transportation route, program calculation and apply Cua Dat – Thanh Hoa construction to verify.

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