The New Two - Line Hybrid Rice TH3-5

  • Nguyễn Thị Trâm


The new two-line hybrid rice TH3-5 (combination T1S-96/R5) was developed by the Institute of Agrobiology of  Hanoi University of Agriculture. TH3-5 has short growth duration of 105 - 110 days in summer season, 120 - 125 days in the late spring season. Compared with the check hybrid Boi tap son thanh, the newly developed hybrid had been improved in terms of adaptability and suitability in summer season of Northern Viet Nam. The variety has rigid and erect stem, well- arranged and dark- green leaves, large panicles with long and slender grains. The yield  ranged from  5.5-8 tons/ha, good grain quality (milling rice 67 - 68%, head rice recovery 75 - 80%, amylose content 24.0%, protein content 7.59%). TH3-5 has good resistance to lodging and moderate resistance to blast, bacterial leaf blight and brown plant hopper. The seed production protocol for the parents and F1 was developed and the area grown with this variety is being expanded in northern provinces
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