Manual calibration of TETIS model in the Mar Menor lagoon subcatchment

  • Bui Khanh Van Anh
Từ khóa: Hydrological model; Irrigation; TETIS model; The Mar Menor lagoon; Water balance.

Tóm tắt

Hydrological models can simulate water balance and predict water behaviors in any catchments; however, accuracy of model always is questioned. Therefore, calibration and validation processes are required for any models to acquire realistic expectations. TETIS model is a conceptual distribution model applied to simulate dynamic of hydrology based on water balance calculation, sediment erosion, and other constituents. As many other hydrological models, calibration and validation are important to evaluate the accuracy. Thus, an appropriate calibration facilitates the model effectiveness. Recently, auto calibration approach has been promoted due to availability of the optimization algorithm. In contrast, manual calibration requires time consuming, expert knowledge and calculation effort. But manual calibration is suitable for unconventional calibration, such as lack of streamflow observation and specific conditions. In this study, a manual calibration has been employed to evaluate how water balance changed under assumptions that there are partial irrigation and without irrigation activity. The results showed that there are considerable effects from different irrigation scenarios on the water balances, but the stream flow is insignificantly affected.

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