Design automatic steam heating controller for essential oil distillation tower

  • Bui Thi Them
  • Nguyen Thi Men
Keywords: Distillation tower, essential oil, heating system, heating tower


Essential oils play a huge role in the lives of modern people (improve health, beauty, etc.). Therefore, the requirements for the quality and quantity of essential oils are increasing day by day. However, the essential oil production systems in Vietnam are mainly small and manual production facilities based on old technology. Essential oil products are obtained only in crude type (contains about 50% of essential oils, the rest is mixed with impurities). Especially, the process of providing raw heat according to experience does not guarantee a stable temperature for the system, causing material loss; low yield, greatly affecting the quality of essential oils. Faced with this situation, we proceed to build an automatic controller for steam heating to ensure product quality and high productivity. This paper presents the results of research and design of an automatic steam heating control system for the distillation tower of cinnamon essential oil.

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