A proposal research of proper opening and preparation solutions for the eastern area of Quang La coal Mine

  • Vu Thi Ngoc
  • Pham Quang Thanh
  • Vu Van Nam
Keywords: Mine capacity, Quang La coal mine, opening underground coal mine, preparing underground coal mine


Quang La mine is under the management, protection, exploration and exploitation of Dong Bac Corporation. Currently, Dong Bac Corporation is assigning Company 91 - Northeast Corporation Branch to manage and exploit. The mine is divided into two independent mining areas: the East area (Dem Chu - East Quang La area) and the West area (Quang La mine area). Currently, the mining licenses at Quang La mine have expired[1]. Therefore, research to orient mine development to ensure stable jobs for workers and fully exploit the country's non-renewable coal resources is necessary. By evaluating and analyzing the natural characteristics and current mining status in the eastern area of Quang La coal mine, the article proposes a plan of opening the seam and preparation work to orient the mine capacity of a new exploitation process in the East area of Quang La coal mine.

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