 Building a cultural life path for students at Quang Ninh University of Industry today

  • Vu Ngoc Ha
Keywords: Lifestyle, Cultural Lifestyle, Students, Students of Quang Ninh University of Industry


Lifestyle is understood as the synthesis of stable life activities of communities and individuals of a nation in historical periods, according to certain social value standards. Accordingly, cultural lifestyle is understood as cultural social value standards and has become popular in community lifestyle. Currently, Vietnam is building a cultural lifestyle for all strata of the population, including building a cultural lifestyle for students. This is an important activity for the formation of student personality - a knowledgeable force, the future owner of the country. Building a cultural lifestyle for students at Quang Ninh University of Industry is also currently given great attention. However, the current status of achievements and limitations in building a cultural lifestyle for students of Quang Ninh University of Technology shows that there are many influencing factors that make this activity ineffective. Therefore, to build a cultural lifestyle for students of Quang Ninh University of Technology, it is necessary to clearly understand the causes, from which to propose and apply appropriate solution groups.

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