Khảo sát đặc điểm mô bệnh học và biểu hiện phân tử của một số loại u khối mô mềm trên chó

  • Nguyễn Thành Luân
  • Đinh Diệu Linh
  • Phạm Thị Hải Hà
Keywords: Female dog, mammary tumor, oncology, veterinary


Treatment failure in canine soft tissue tumors, a locally invasive mesenchymal neoplasm may occur in between 7 and 75% of patients, with recurrence consistently associated with
reduced overall survival for the dog. In this study, the percentage of tissue sarcoma in the dog was 1.5%. Histopathological analysis characteristics of the ear lobe tumors in Chow Chow showed a strong proliferation of rhabdoid cells, changes in size, shape, clustering, and
presence of leukocytes infiltrating around blood vessels. Also, histopathological study of vaginal tumors in French Bulldog showed normal tumor cell density, including mature fibroblasts, formation of many collagen fibers and no strong proliferation and ferocity of cells. In particular, immuno-histopathological analysis of biopsies sample from breast tumor of Husky showed an overexpressing of vimentin in cells (68.1%) which associated with malignant metastasis status. The metastatic tumor cells in Husky might change the blood biochemical parameters together with sepsis, thus the dog was not eligible for surgery. In general, histological examination and expression levels of markers can help determine the malignant status of tumors in dogs and
should be included medical examination to limit local recurrence following surgical resection.

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