Efficieny of HAN-PIGLET GROW probiotic on newborn pig

  • Đinh Thị Tuyết Vân
  • Nguyễn Thị Thư
  • Nguyễn Hồng Lĩnh
  • Nguyễn Thị Mến
  • Trần Văn Khánh
Keywords: HAN-PIGLET GROW, probiotic, newborn pig, diarrhea, survival rate


Diarrhea is the major cause of death in newborn pigs. Many studies have shown the positive effect in early supplementation of probiotic for newborn pig. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) such as Lactobacillus plantarum, Pediococcus acidilactici,... is a group of beneficial bacteria that researchers recommend for use in newborn pig. This study showed the evaluated effectiveness of the commercial supplement HANPIGLET GROW containing a mixture of probiotic strains combined with milk protein for newborn pig.
The newborn pigs were given a dose of 1ml in the first 3 days of life with a mixture of beneficial bacteria 4×108 CFU/ml, and the rate of diarrhea, numeration of Coliform, Clostridium spp. in feces, survival rate
of post-weaning piglets and body weight post-weaning piglets were evaluated. The monitoring results showed that the experimental piglets using HAN-PIGLET GROW had a lower rate of diarrhea than the
control piglets. The fecal samples of the experimental piglets also had the density of Coliform, Clostridium spp. lower than that of the control piglets. The survival rate and the body weight of the experimental piglets were also improved in comparison with the control piglets, in which the average survival rate of the experimental piglets was 2.52% higher than that of the control piglets, the body weight of the experimental piglets at weaning stage was 6.67 kg higher than 6.48 kg of the control piglets.

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