Nghiên cứu đặc điểm bệnh lý, lâm sàng và biện pháp phòng trị bệnh sán lá ruột cho gà tại Tỉnh Thái Nguyên

  • Lê Minh
  • Dương Thị Hồng Duyên
Keywords: Intestinal fluke, chicken, clinical symptoms, lesions, effectiveness


The monitoring result for 122 chickens on intestinal fluke disease showed that there were 46 chickens
(37.70%) found to have the typical clinic symptoms of the intestinal fluck disease. The autopsy result for
330 chickens indicated that there were 17.27% of chickens appeared gross lesions of the disease, such
as: mucosa of the small intestine and large intestine were inflamed, with bleeding points; mucosa at
the sites of the parasited fluke was slightly swollen and red; In the intestinal lumen contained mucus
and flukes; number of flukes perchicken at autopsy were 1 - 36. The result of histological study under
microscope showed that the small intestine villis were damaged, villi apex obtuse, some villi were broken,
epithelium degeneration, hypo mucosal proliferation and hemorrhage, eosinophilic infiltration in the
submucosa. In the large intestine, peeling villi were seen, plasma cell proliferation, eosinophil infiltration
in the submucosa. Bio-fenbendazole (1g/2kgTT), Albenleva (1g/5kgTT) and Bio - levaxantel (1ml/5kgTT)
were effective and safe in removing intestinal flukes, the effectiveness was 93.68% - 93.75%.

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