HR revolution: screen people not paper: Case study of AkzoNobel, Unilever and Cathay Pacific

  • Truong Phan Hoang Anh
  • Giang Ngoc Anh

Tóm tắt

The recruitment of highly experienced professionals is a crucial undertaking as it creates the talent pool for the organisation. Although the development and implementation of electronic recruiting applications in MNCs have been highly effective, they not only contribute to reducing candidate screening time but also effectively support employer’s productivity. In other words, E-HRM is the practice of integrating HRM strategies, policies, and practices in a company through the use of web-based technology. Yet, the raising concern is how organisations in Vietnam could effectively learn and utilise e-recruitment since most companies continue to employ manually with pricey recruitment methods. The study aims to identify the fundamental concept of e-recruitment and intends to collect information regarding e-recruitment methods such as emails, corporate websites, and commercial job boards, among others, through the story of AkzoNobel, Unilever and Cathay Pacific in installing the e-recruitment system in Vietnam and in ASEAN. It covers the advantages and disadvantages of e-recruitment, as well as how local Vietnamese businesses might efficiently use it.

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