Research on households’ willingness to pay for the options of price calculation of household solid waste management services in Hanoi

  • Hue Hoang Thi, Hanh Nguyen Thi Hong, Trang Bui Thi Thu*, Thuong Nguyen Thi Hoai
Từ khóa: contingent valuation method, Hanoi, household solid waste, solid waste management, willingness to pay

Tóm tắt

This study used the contingent valuation method (CVM) to investigate and analyse the current status of household solid waste management and evaluate people’s consensus and willingness to pay (WTP) for household solid waste collection, transportation, and treatment services among urban, rural, and mountainous areas in Hanoi. It also utilised regression analysis to assess factors affecting people’s WTP. The study surveyed a sample size of 405 households...

Tác giả

Hue Hoang Thi, Hanh Nguyen Thi Hong, Trang Bui Thi Thu*, Thuong Nguyen Thi Hoai

Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment, 41A Phu Dien Street, Phu Dien Ward, Bac Tu Liem District, Hanoi, Vietnam

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