Ways to create construction terms

  • Vũ Thị Thu Huyền
  • Nguyễn Đức Tồn


Based on an analysis of  7430 Vietnamese  construction  terms, we found 5 ways  to create Vietnamese construction terms: 1) Use of common words 2) Use of words of bricklayers 3) Use of Vietnamese terms in other sciences 4) Coining   new  terms  5) Borrowing terms from other languages.

Our study resulted from a three survey process: 1)  To  examine how the formation of the term impacts on both the term itself and and its components. 2) Identify whether  the  construction term is created based on existing sources in Vietnamese or borrowed. 3) To contrast the  construction  term  with  common words, words of bricklayer, the terms in other sciences, and foreign terms. With regards to borrowed terms, in the context of integration and globalization we recommend  that we should give priority to Sino-Viet elements because they meet the requirements to be formal, abstract and general. With regards to terms borrowed  from Indo-European languages, we suggest to keep their original forms and pronounce as they are in the source languages.

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