Some features on basic religious organizations and the religious work of the basic government in Thua Thien – Hue

  • Dương Viết Hồng


The article presents a general view on basic religious organizations and religious work of the basic government in Thua Thien-Hue, especially on Catholicism and Buddhism. In Thua Thien-Hue, Buddhist basic organizations are present in most communes, precincts, towns. For Catholic church organizations of province level is concentrated only in 75 communes, precincts. The presence both of Catholicism and Buddhism manifest in many communes and precincts. At present religious activities are lively and complex. Apart from purely religious activities, religious organizations still participate to social activities, contributing to carry out local social activities, contributing to the carry out local social policies, influencing actively on the spiritual life of the society. The author points out a few measures on the religious activities that the basic government in Thua Thien-Hue has performed in the past period like : Propagandizing the religious policy of the Communist Party and the State of Vietnam to believers; Mobilizing religious believers and religious authorities to participate to social activities; Educating cadres of the basic level on knowledge regarding religious works. In addition the author points out some aspects in the religious work of basic government. Full text in Vietnamese Religious Studies 2005/3 pp.30-35

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Dương Viết Hồng
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Religions and the Nation