Some solutions recommended to build our country’s rural area to be a dynamic, civilized society with legitimate social stratification

  • Nguyễn Đình Tấn


Opening door, renewal, development of market economy, international economic integration have resulted in robust and continued economic growth at the national level in general and in rural society in Vietnam in particular, at the same time brought about political, societal stability as well as improvements in various aspects of the country’s social life. This has seen an irreversible trend coming along of transforming a traditional society based upon the notion of “equity” in the subsidiary era into a society characterized by a “strata-based” structure – a natural and prevailing form in many other countries around the world. However, within such a “strata-based” structure, there are “legitimate” “characteristics”, which accord to economic rules, labor-based distribution (which is based on contribution and dedication of individuals); comply with social ethics; match with the objective rules, the development process and trend of the society, about which an overwhelming majority of people in society expect. Nevertheless, there also appear “illegitimate” “characteristics” contrary to the above-mentioned rules, becoming “barriers” to building a society characterized by dynamism, justice, democracy and civilization.

In this article, the author presents several solutions and recommendations with a view to overcoming the barriers, illegitimate characteristics in the process, building our country’s rural area to be a dynamic, civilized society with legitimate social stratification
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