Concerning the building a regional-level social sciences library

  • Hồ Sĩ Quý


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Not totally agreeing with this prejudice, on January 11 – 2010, at the 2009 Performance Summation Conference of Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences attended by Vice Prime Minister Nguyễn Thiện Nhân and many leaders from various ministries and sectors, the Institute of Social Sciences Information has delivered a speech to reevaluate the role of Social Sciences to the development of Vietnamese society over the past twenty years, including reevaluating  the capacity and position of the Social Sciences Library and suggesting the Government formulate a plan on building a regional-level Social Sciences Library.

The speech emphasizes that it is very difficult for Vietnamese Social Sciences and Human Sciences to compete or stand in the same rank with that of other strong countries in the region by the next twenty years. However, if there is a project on building a Social Science Library adequate to its precious materials, in a short time, the country surely has a considerable Information Library Center on Social Sciences which all paying attention to the Orient and Vietnam cannot help recognizing.

With many fields, Vietnamese is likely to be only followers because they are the fields in which we must learn what the world has created. If we do not know how to exploit heritages of our ancestors contained in the documents in the Social Sciences Library at 26 Lý Thường Kiệt (Hanoi), it is highly likely that Vietnamese Sciences has contributions as leading researches, at least on characteristic cultures of Vietnam and the Orient.

It is our pleasure of introducing you readers a part of the speech.

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