Factors affecting the satisfaction for service quality of ATM card in Vietcombank - Can Tho Branch

  • Nguyen Phuoc Quy Quang, Le Thanh Duy, Duong Thi Thuy, Tran Kieu Tien, Dao Thanh Lam and Thi Ngoc Thanh Thanh
Keywords: Satisfaction, service quality of bank card, Vietcombank, Can Tho City


This study aimed to identify and measure the factors influencing customer satisfaction with the service quality of bank card transactions of Vietcombank at the Can Tho Branch, in order to propose solutions to improve the service quality of bank card transactions. The data used in this study was collected through a convenience sampling method with 210 survey questionnaires of Vietcombank Can Tho from  individual customers. The study used the SERVPERF service quality scale, tested the reliability of the data used in the scale using Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient to eliminate inappropriate variables, then performed exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and linear regression analysis to measure the service quality of banking as well as customer satisfaction. The study also tested differences in customer satisfaction according to demographic characteristics using T-Test and ANOVA analysis. The results showed that there were five components of quality service consisting of reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurance, and tangible. The results showed no difference in customer satisfaction in terms of gender and age. However, there were differences based on the customers' education level, income and occupation. Based on the results, the author proposes some management interventions for Vietcombank managers, to develop appropriate strategies for improving the quality of their ATM services which can lead to the increase of customer satisfaction.

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