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  • Đoàn Văn Hiển
  • Cao Việt Bắc
Từ khóa: Specialized teaching equipment, Physical education, Short-distance running course, Thai Nguyen Community College

Tóm tắt

Short-distance running is one of the subjects taught in the Physical Education curriculum for students at Thai Nguyen Community College. However, the current use of specialized teaching equipment for this subject is not effective, as the exercises are limited and monotonous, and do not meet the learning needs of students. Therefore, the study aims to select a variety of specialized teaching equipment that is suitable for students’ needs and can enhance the physical education system at the college, as well as contribute to improving academic and physical results for students.

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Đoàn Văn Hiển

Trường Cao đẳng Thái Nguyên

Cao Việt Bắc

Trường Cao đẳng Thái Nguyên

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