Vận dụng lý thuyết kết nối vào dạy học Chủ đề “Các hình khối trong thực tiễn” ở lớp 7.

  • Hoa Ánh Tường
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Từ khóa: Connected learning; Theory of connections; Geometric shapes; Effective approach

Tóm tắt

In the modern era of information technology, the application of innovative and engaging teaching methods has become a crucial factor in enhancing the quality of education. Particularly, the integration of theory with practicality, thereby sparking students’ curiosity and creativity, has been proven as an effective approach to help students deeply and durably grasp knowledge. In this article, we focus on applying the theory of connections to the teaching process of the topic “Geometric Shapes in Real Life” in 7th grade.

Tác giả

Hoa Ánh Tường

TS. Trường Đại học Sài Gòn

Ngô Tiểu Hùng

HVCH Lớp PPT211 Chuyên ngành LL&PPDHBM Toán, Khóa 21.1 Trường Đại học Sài Gòn

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