Biện pháp phát triển năng lực tư duy, lập luận toán học cho học sinh lớp 10 thông qua dạy học Chủ đề Hệ thức lượng trong tam giác.

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Từ khóa: The triangle trigonometry; Mathematical thinking and reasoning skills

Tóm tắt

Mathematics is a subject with many favorable opportunities for the development of thinking and reasoning ability for students. Mathematical thinking and reasoning ability plays a very important role in the learning process of students in Mathematics. The topic of triangle trigonometry in triangles has many theorems, properties, and exercises that require students to know how to analyze, synthesize, compare, analogy, and reason logically before concluding.... Therefore, this topic can create opportunities for students to form and develop their ability to think and reason mathematically. The article proposes some measures to develop mathematical reasoning and thinking ability for students in teaching the topic of triangle trigonometry in triangles - Geometry 10.

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Nguyễn Dương Hoàng

Trường Đại học Đồng Tháp

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