Phát triển năng lực tư duy và lập luận toán học cho học sinh thông qua dạy học chương Góc với đường tròn - Hình học 9

  • Nguyễn Như Hóa
  • Lê Xuân Trường
Từ khóa: Angle with the circle, development measures, capacity, thinking and mathematical reasoning

Tóm tắt

The article proposes a number of measures to develop students’ ability to think and reason mathematically through teaching the corner chapter with circles-Geometry 9, including: Practice for students to perform operations thinking analytically, synthesizing in the process of learning concepts, proving theorems or solving exercises on corners with circles; Train students in the operations of comparison, analogy, generalization, and specialisation in the process of solving exercises of the corner chapter with the circle; Guide students to analyze and argue from different angles to find many different solutions while solving the corner chapter exercises with circles.

Tác giả

Nguyễn Như Hóa

Trường THPT Chuyên Bạc Liêu, tỉnh Bạc Liêu

Lê Xuân Trường

Trường Đại học Đồng Tháp

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