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  • Trịnh Thị Kim Oanh
Từ khóa: Training programs, training program quality accreditation, higher education institutions

Tóm tắt

Training program accreditation is a mandatory requirement for higher education institutions. Accreditation results are both a basis for improving quality and demonstrating accountability, as well as a condition for exercising the autonomy of higher education institutions. Documents of evidence formed in the operations of higher education institutions are of great value in many aspects, especially as an indispensable source of evidence to serve the quality accreditation of training programs. The article introduces the standards for assessing training program quality of the Ministry of Education and Training, and analyzes the role of Documents of Evidence in the quality accreditation of training programs.

Tác giả

Trịnh Thị Kim Oanh

ThS. Khoa Lưu trữ học và Quản trị Văn phòng, Học viện Hành chính Quốc gia

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