Phát triển năng lực tư duy và lập luận toán học cho học sinh lớp 2 qua dạy học nội dung số và phép tính

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Từ khóa: Mathematical thinking and reasoning; 2nd grade students; Teaching numbers and calculator

Tóm tắt

Learning is not simply memorizing knowledge. If students can perform thinking operations and know how to use reason and reasonable arguments when solving problems, they will apply what they have learned well in life. The article presents a number of issues related to mathematical thinking and reasoning capacity, proposes some measures to develop mathematical thinking and reasoning capacity for 2nd grade students through teaching digital content and calculations to contribute to improving the quality of Math teaching.

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Trường Đại học Đồng Tháp

Đặng Văn Phúc

Lớp CHGDTH, Khóa 10, Trường Đại học Đồng Tháp

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