Một số kỹ thuật dạy học tích cực trong giảng dạy các môn Khoa học Mác-Lênin

  • Lê Thị Ngọc Hà
Từ khóa: Teaching techniques, students, skills, active teaching, Marxist-Leninist science

Tóm tắt

Active teaching techniques have a particularly important meaning in teaching and learning activities in order to mobilize learners' active participation, initiative, and stimulate thinking and assessment, maximizing the creativity of learners in the best way and being a driving force to promote collaborative work of learners, training teamwork skills for learners in the process of acquiring knowledge. Teaching Marxist-Leninist science subjects in universities today as well as other subjects is requiring the innovation in methods and communication methods to bring the best effectiveness to the teaching process. Applying teaching techniques, especially active teaching techniques, is one of the ways that teachers can do to improve effectiveness in the process of teaching Marxist-Leninist science subjects.

Tác giả

Lê Thị Ngọc Hà

ThS. Khoa Lý luận chính trị, Trường Đại học Sư phạm Kỹ thuật Vinh

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