Ứng dụng Matlab trong giảng dạy thuật toán tối ưu hóa dựa trên tìm kiếm bầy đàn - PSO

  • Nguyễn Đức Minh
Từ khóa: Matlab, Optimization Toolbox, PSO algorithm

Tóm tắt

This article introduces the use of Matlab to teach optimization algorithms based on swarm search (Particle Swarm Optimization - PSO). The content of the article presents the PSO algorithm as well as the algorithm flowchart and pseudocode. The article also presents the use of the Matlab program to teach the PSO algorithm, introduces the PSO optimization functions in Mtalab as well as the steps to program the PSO algorithm.

Tác giả

Nguyễn Đức Minh

TS. Học viện Công nghệ Bưu chính Viễn thông

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