Một số vấn đề khi điều tiết hệ thống hồ chứa thủy điện bậc thang trong điều kiện thị trường điện cạnh tranh

  • Lê Quốc Hưng
  • Lê Văn Nghị
  • Phan Trần Hồng Long


In order to take advantage of the operating and generation conditions, hydro power plants are usually built on the same river. This will lead to requirements, operations and cooperation of  hydro power plants in order to maximize electricity output or revenue while still meeting other requirements for  flood control and water supply. However, electricity revenues of the reservoirs depends partly  on the price of electricity sold in the competitive power generation market. The research presents some regulating issues of Hua Na and Cuu Dat reservoir system in the Chu river basin while participating in the competitive power generation market. The research results also show the efficiency of the chosen flood control method  in comparison with the actual operation.

Keywords: cascade hydropower, Hua Na, Cua Dat, Chu river, competitive power generation market

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